Prophetic Style Does Not Indicate God's Power

Prophetic Style Does Not Indicate God's Power

Your preference of style and preference of how a prophetic word is delivered, is no indication of the power it may or may not carry. Just because a prophetic message comes forth in a style that is “smooth and finessed”, or appealing to the eyes and emotions, does not make it better or a more a powerful prophetic message.

Don’t mistake your preference of style as an indication of God’s power. Look for the signature of the Spirit of God. Look for the weight of God’s glory, ( the virtue, character and nature of God), that should accompany His Word, and look for the instant fruit of a heart and situation that is being drawn towards the Lord, not man.

God often uses that which is “rough and rugged” to wake us up; to offend our current mindsets, so as to bring us out of slumber.

Don’t be easily swayed by smooth and emotionally charged words, instead ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and have His way in you. For it is only a humble and yielded heart that will recognize the signature of the Holy Spirit in things that are a stumbling block to many.

Let your the eyes of your heart be opened to see and your ears opened to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.