Thoughts to Ponder on Spiritual Warfare

Thoughts to Ponder on Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare isn’t human warfare; Its motivations, workings, and end goals are very different from the flesh.

For example:

What is our response to be when enemies and wicked people are dispossessed, disposed, or perish?

In the flesh, it would be to rejoice at an enemy’s demise.

The human issue: the fleshly joy in the punishment and revenge ( get what they deserved) on an enemy

The Kingdom issue: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

(Matthew 5:44)

God has said clearly, “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay….”

(Hebrews 10:30)

The dichotomy between the Kingdom of God and the flesh are never more stark than on this issue of vengeance. While we must pray for righteousness to rule in government and evil to be dispossessed, we must also be careful that our hearts don’t entertain fleshly motives or pursuits in regards to the demise of perceived enemies and the enemy. Social media has become a megaphone for vengeance and retribution based on the flesh.

Our gaze cannot be focused on our recompense (which the Lord brings with him into every situation), it must instead be fixed solely on the Lord. The truth is that we have to die to ourselves and come alive to Christ. In order to come alive to Christ, we must willingly die to ourselves… this is taking up our cross and following Him and this has to be purely motivated by our love for Him, not for what He can do or even bring us, but because of who He is.

Just like Peter was able to have a revelation of Jesus as the Messiah in one moment but enter into a demonic thought process in another, ( that Jesus shouldn’t go to the cross or do the will of the Father), we must be vigilant in taking our thoughts and heart motives captive, examining them and making them obedient to Christ so as not to fall into temptation. This is not an easy thing and must be done through the grace and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Flesh can’t take authority over flesh. It is only the Spirit of God thst enables us to deny the flesh and walk by the Spirit. Human ideas of justice, gloating, scorn, slander, these are just a few fleshly things that tempt us and when agreed with bring us into agreement with some of the same demonic spirits we say we oppose.

Agreements with demonic agendas and spirits easily come through emotionally charged situations. We must not be hasty in our declarations and speech.

Things to ask ourselves in this season of exposure and shaking:

Do we lament an enemy’s perishing like David lamented and mourned for Saul?

(2 Samuel 1:11-27)

Do we revel in our neighbor’s downfall because they are reaping what they showed or do we pray for them that the Lord’s mercy would be granted to them?

Do we rejoice that our names are in the Lamb’s book of life or do we revel in casting demons out and prophesying the end of people and judgment on places?

Do we truly understand how God’s heart grieves over people who don’t turn to him and as a result perish eternally?

Are we gripped with and living with a perspective of eternity or living temporally always seeking instant gratification?

These are hard things. These are hard ponderings, but the Kingdom of God doesn’t run on human logic or on human wisdom. There are many paradoxical truths in the Kingdom. God is both warrior and peacemaker, all held in the tension of His agape love.

The Holy Spirit was given to reveal the Way, the Truth amd the Life, but if we do not have ears and hearts willing to listen we cannot enter into the fullness of joy that is found only in Christ.

We are all learning how to walk according to the Spirit. I am not perfect in this and am along with you learning to walk deeper with the Holy Spirit. This post is not meant as a condemnation or accusation, it is meant to evoke a response in the Bride of Christ to ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts.

Father, You oh Lord are holy. Shine on us the light of your holiness that our hearts would be captivated by Your love. Give us eyes to see and hearts that respond in obedience to your voice. Holy Spirit, leads us on the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Let Your rivers of living water flow out of hearts and in our speech. Let Your resurrection life be released every where we walk, as we are lead of you. In Jesus name, Amen.