Rise Up And Break The Enemy's Assignment!

In this time there is an assignment of the enemy in the airwaves, trying to lure the Body of Christ back to sleep. The sound that the enemy has sent out is a demonic sound of comfort, but it is a false comfort! This "enemy sound" is a collective of distractions designed to fill your ears with anything but the voice of the Lord and keep you out of the secret place; out of the place where God’s presence can comfort and nourish you.

If you do not come into God’s presence, you become easy prey, because you have begun to remove yourself from intimacy. If you do not ask of the Father, you cannot receive; if you do not obey Him, you will not prosper. The enemy knows this and is set on causing the Body of Christ to become atrophied and weak, and if we are always sleeping, it will happen. But I say, “Not today! Not on my watch!”

In Jesus’ name, I speak to your spirit and I say, “Rise up! Rise up and be strengthened in the Lord! Awaken to the sound of the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! Let every lying spirit be silenced in Jesus’ name and your ears now opened to the sound of His voice.

The voice of the Lord is majestic. The voice of the Lord is powerful. The voice of the Lord breaks every barrier that the enemy would try to place in front of you to keep you from hearing. I loose over you a fresh hunger for the Living God, an increase in fervor and fire. Rise up into the fire of God. Let His very presence consume you from the inside out.

You are called to walk with Him and in Him, displaying His glory for the world to see. Step into His presence and receive the fullness of Christ Jesus.”