God Is Bringing You Into A New Vantage Point

I drove around town a lot over the last couple of days, and it seemed like everywhere I went, there were piles of cars in front of me and to my side. I'm used to Portland traffic, but for some reason, it felt more congested than normal, and it caused me to start feeling overwhelmed and claustrophobic. Yesterday afternoon, as the traffic was once again very congested, it was hard to see in front of me because of a tall truck. I remember at that moment that I resigned myself into accepting that this slow, trudging commute was how it was going to be for the foreseeable future, and I'd lost hope of getting to my destination in any amount of reasonable time. All of sudden, an opening to my side appeared, and I decided to get in the next lane. Once I turned, I had a different vantage point and noticed that the traffic opened up in front of the truck that I was stuck behind.

I hurried to get in front of the truck and into clear traffic, and immediately felt free of the pressure that I was feeling most of the day. Right then, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that what I had experienced during the day in traffic was similar to some people who've been overwhelmed in their current season of life. They've felt suppressed by circumstances that have surrounded them, and every time it seemed like there was going to be a relief, something else came against them which caused another round of feeling caged in. Through these various events, hopelessness has set in which has caused them to lower their expectations for their current season.

For anyone who feels like this describes their situation, I want to encourage you with what the Lord is saying. He's releasing hope and courage to endure through this season. He's rooting you on and doesn't want you to give in to the lies of the enemy that seeks to steal your peace and hope. God has not forgotten you, but He is creating an opening in the chaos for you to gain a clear vantage point into the next step. It may feel like you're trapped in your situation, but the heaviness around you is not indicative of what's around the corner. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and watch how He makes a way for you that will bring clarity and a sense of freedom.