Ty BottlerComment

It's Time To Take Of The Grave Clothes!

Ty BottlerComment
It's Time To Take Of The Grave Clothes!

It's time to take off the grave clothes of the past season and walk outside in the fresh air of possibility.

What was meant for the last season will no longer serve what God has for you going forward. Not only will the old clothes not function as they did in the past, but they will hold you back from stepping into your new assignment. God is looking for a people who are not bound to a specific form of expression. He is looking for a people who are easily positioned and maneuvered to see His Kingdom demonstrated in a way this world has never seen.

This is not a season for shrinking back in the shadows, but it's a season for pressing in to the heart and light of God. Let His glory strip away all of the old things that have kept you tied to an old season and mindset, and receive His new garments that have been refined in His fire.

Run with Him, learn from Him, demonstrate Him, and see what a sold-out life can accomplish in this world that is so desperate for God's truth and love.