Don't Get Caught In The Trap

When you tag a well known minister so that your “prophetic” video or post can be viewed by their platform of followers, congratulations you just hurt not only your credibility as a legitimate prophetic voice both now and in the future, but you have chosen to allow the favor of man to promote you. If you are speaking the true heart of the Father and a word from the Lord, that word will accomplish what is sent out to do, no matter how many see it on Facebook.

No person holds the corner
on revelation, nor can that person claim ownership to something that is the Lord’s. Yes we are the vessel, but make no mistake, it is His word and His alone that is coming forth and it is Jesus who gets the glory, not us. (Unless of course, it isn’t from Him in the first place)

Prophets and prophetic people, I emplore you, please don’t get caught in the trap of celebrity; allow obedience and faithfulness to bring you into the place of promotion at the appointed time. Nothing compares to growing in the favor of God first and allowing Him to then grow your favor with men!