Daneen BottlerComment

No Limits

Daneen BottlerComment
No Limits

Intimacy with Christ is not measured by emotion; it is more than the secret place and more than your prayer closet. Intimacy happens as a byproduct of continual covenant relationship and a lifestyle of living in Christ and being one with Him. It’s not just me in Him, but it is also Christ in me (John 15) ; it’s not just cultivated in alone time with Him, but it is also being cultivated and multiplied even in the day-to-day surrendering of things, walking with Him and inviting Him into everything we do.

It’s time to stop applying a worldly limited definition and understanding to a word that, in Christ, is actually limitless in its definition and application. The enemy would love to pigeonhole you into a limited perspective of intimacy with Christ and then accuse you of not doing that specific thing and causing you to feel defeated and shamed. Three-quarters of our relationship with God is us, out of love, moving in faith, and trusting Him, that He is who He says He is; it is NOT because we have fluffy emotions, feel super passionate, or are having a euphoric experience.

We must understand that when we obey the voice of the Lord and move into Him, even when we don’t feel how we think we should feel, intimacy is still present and even more so, being cultivated in us. Your action of obedience out of love, has caused the Living Word to be formed in you and expressed through you. This is a true demonstration of intimacy - the Word becoming flesh in us and expressed through our very lives!

In Jesus’s name, I break off of you shame and condemnation. I declare over you a new day! By the blood of Jesus, the false accusations of the enemy have been silenced, refuted and his machinations defeated. Today is your day of FREEDOM from the boxes of limitation in Jesus’s name!

Holy Spirit we invite you to come and renew our minds. Come break us out of our finite thinking, align us with Your Truth! Teach us how to walk in your ways and know You more! For it is in You Lord, we live, move, and have our being! We now Step into the limitlessness of You; the fullness of Christ Jesus, who fills all in all!